Thursday, 15 January 2009

Shiny pretty lights

In a day and age where almost every house has a computer or television and where some people just find it so relaxing to come in after a hard days work and look at pretty pictures of flashing lights and shiny bright colours there might be something lurking around the corner that will knock the socks off all you couch potatoes out there.

Imagine you’re watching the laundry getting angry with a poor student in the boogie man on your computer, at that moment a nice man from a MIT research facility who has dropped in for a pop tart and non alcoholic beer, plugs a small device into your computer and all of a sudden the laundry is getting freaky all over your desk top.

A holographic video display is an amazing idea and a wonderful concept, however it’s quite expensive and not every one has space for a large hologram projector but now the lovely brains at MIT have turned a laboratory-based holographic display system that cost many, many pennies into a device witch will be compatible with high end computers and home entertainment centres by squishing and squashing the over sized and complex machine into a plug in??

Now if you are not the person who likes to play computers games or watch hours of television then here is another tasty cookie for you, this technology could give doctors and surgeons alike another way to view medical images like MRIs and CT scans, sets of really Confusing multidimensional data and designs for cars and pretty much anything else that need a pretty picture to show people how it’s made.

I am a games monkey myself and I personally would love to see fall out 3’s vicious combat system in all its AB- splattering glory.

Info from

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