Tuesday, 19 May 2009

broken fuses

It has been a while since my last post, I was offline due to a power failur. my will power failed so i got lazy, however enough of this lest get down to it.
If you are like I and I like you then this scitsophrenic partnership likes shiny things
"Tranferjet" Sony's shiny new data transfer technology just like most things can send and recive indormation but the Tranferjet transfers faster than usb The transfer speed is 560Mbps which is faster than the USB2.0 of 450Mbps. o yes and did i mention it's shiny
you can find more out about it in the link under This One
This One

Thursday, 26 February 2009

Push My Buttons

concept designed by Erik De Nijs
The thought of wearing bits of a computer might seem a bit odd, it can be compared to wearing your house hold furniture
such as a seat or sound system or bug zapper.
Hang on just a second…there are jeans with
built in supports in the back of the legs so you can with nothing to sit on, jumpers that harbour mp3 players and clothes that shield the wearer from bugs like mosquitoes, ticks, ants and flies. maybe the idea of wearing a computer component isn’t so farfetched?

Bug replant clothes

Another gadget is the wasp knife. It looks like just any other knife however this one holds a surprise for in that nice rubber handle.

Inside is a small cartridge of compressed air and the blade is like a hypodermic needle with a channel to release the gas in the cartridge strait out the end of the knife this becomes a very useful tool for divers. The effects of this device are devastating.
Rapidly inflating whatever it is jammed in at the time.

The knife speaks for its self.

Thursday, 5 February 2009

The formalities (college progress)

Well it’s about that time
where my college course
dictates that I must complete
a task using web logs

I would love to keep by blog simply tech, however I also want to complete my course so here we go.

This task comprises of a statement introducing myself, where I am studying and
As if my title is not enough I must also say what I write about.

So…shall we.

My name is Joseph and I am studying computers at west Lothian College.
The blogs I write are all about tech, new tech, old tech, and tech that is still Swishing around in the dreams of scientists.

I have trawled the internet, news papers and TV to find every piece of tech in my blog. The progress of the blog is slow but never the less is updated almost every week, Gradually building a nice stock pile of great ideas, devices and interesting break throughs.

Thursday, 29 January 2009

Yes it’s small, but look what I can do with it.

Yes shrinkage is a problem for many at Cambridge University
And sometimes it’s so quick it’s un-satisfying…

That is what happens to a led crystal (Gallium) nitride when you grow it at 1000°C on silicone.
Because the silicone shrinks too quickly after being heated it has not been used to grow led crystal like many other electrical equipment Because the led merely cracked and was not useable but now a man from Cambridge University’s centre for gallium nitride has stepped in with a solution. Now layers of aluminium gallium nitride are thrown into the design and now well in a nut shell it works. We have been told we can expect to see the results of this advance in 5 years.

Don’t hold your breath.

100,000 hours of light is over ten times longer than the energy saving bulbs we currently have screwed in.

Now a 15” thin slice of silicone will come to around 15£ but only that can grow up to
150.000 led crystals that will be a lot of cheep light for every one.

Light may not be cool or very interesting, however I believe that a small advance such as this is still a marvel in its own right.
sources: metro news paper

Thursday, 15 January 2009

hay..nice legs

In Japan there are so many technological advances you couldn’t shake a mechanical fist at them, water activated batteries and Printers that can erase.
There are many gadgets that have surfaced and a popular device is now floating to the top of the tech sea.

Robot leg development has been around since 1999 and over the years researchers have developed a number of different types of robot legs, some can seat disabled people and are controlled by the user via an interface, some require the user to have some mobility in there legs to use the machine and others can be controlled by a brain, animal or human.

Honda, as you know is a car manufacturing company but what’s this…Honda robot legs? Now just because Honda made them, unfortunately they will not let you run at a ridicules speed and will not allow you to leap tall buildings and a single bound or small ones for that matter, however it will assist the wearer to walk with ease provided you can already walk. People that have a lot of trouble walking will be allowed to move with ease.

Matsushita Electric in 2007 developed a set of chunky robot legs aimed at the same market but the reverse jointed and all importantly, impractical price of $127,000 makes them look very unappealing, however will still give a user mobility if they have deep pockets.

In military applications there has been development since 2005 to devise combat robots. The robot will have six or maybe eight legs all working in unison to achieve remarkable agility and speed.
The robots will also be laden with weapons and controlled by several A.I controllers. The development deadline is some point in 2011 and such development reached a news paper called the Korea times.

There is many other types of mechanical legs some very difficult to replicate and example of some robot movement is shown on this link

Everything I have written is true to the best of my knowledge.

The next post will include a very practical device and the instructions on how to make it, find out next post what it is.

Shiny pretty lights

In a day and age where almost every house has a computer or television and where some people just find it so relaxing to come in after a hard days work and look at pretty pictures of flashing lights and shiny bright colours there might be something lurking around the corner that will knock the socks off all you couch potatoes out there.

Imagine you’re watching the laundry getting angry with a poor student in the boogie man on your computer, at that moment a nice man from a MIT research facility who has dropped in for a pop tart and non alcoholic beer, plugs a small device into your computer and all of a sudden the laundry is getting freaky all over your desk top.

A holographic video display is an amazing idea and a wonderful concept, however it’s quite expensive and not every one has space for a large hologram projector but now the lovely brains at MIT have turned a laboratory-based holographic display system that cost many, many pennies into a device witch will be compatible with high end computers and home entertainment centres by squishing and squashing the over sized and complex machine into a plug in??

Now if you are not the person who likes to play computers games or watch hours of television then here is another tasty cookie for you, this technology could give doctors and surgeons alike another way to view medical images like MRIs and CT scans, sets of really Confusing multidimensional data and designs for cars and pretty much anything else that need a pretty picture to show people how it’s made.

I am a games monkey myself and I personally would love to see fall out 3’s vicious combat system in all its AB- splattering glory.

Info from http://www.technologyreview.com/computing/18572/?a=f

Thursday, 11 December 2008

what was the question?

In the hunt for new technology many people are left
confused and bedazzled by complex circuitry, flashing l.e.d’s while
scratching their craniums asking them self’s “what is it?”
or “How the hell dose that work.”

My name is Joseph and I am a student dedicating
my time to computers,
Programming and learning. New technology has
fascinated me and is a topic I would like to share.

i am writing my first web log to spread my enthusiasm
for developing technologies, and experimental “one off’s”
there are many things that are contained in this world
that we don’t understand or sometimes would never think
possible, but we give it a scientific cavity search anyway
so I for one say slap on your none powdered latex gloves
And tell the world to relax while we rummage through its

All the information that I post on my web log will be as
accurate as humanly possible also featuring a list of the
sources I have used.

Any questions are welcome and I will answer to the best of my ability.